I’m sure you don’t need a reminder that we are going into Year 3 of a pandemic. Every time we scroll social media or read the news, we are seeing more and more stress, strife, and grief. If there were ever a time to seize the day—now is the time!
Join me today on this “Use what you have” Wednesday in a decision to no longer save your GOOD STUFF!
Wear the outfits. Spray the $400 perfume daily. Wear the designer bag every day. Use your “good” glassware for yourself—don’t wait for company to come by.
What’s even more important than all of that, is using and sharing your GIFTS & TALENTS. Stop saving yourself, your gifts, and your talents for the “right” time, or a “special occasion”. YOU are a special occasion and you deserve the very best EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
What are you using today?