My Joy is My Responsibility

My Joy is My Responsibility

On Take it Easy Thursdays we will be creating tools for our Joy Toolkit. There will be days when we need a reminder to take it easy on ourselves and give ourselves GRACE. So the best thing to do is to have that toolkit ready when you have a hard time coming up with things that bring you JOY. Think of Thursdays as “Toolkit Thursdays”

Saying YES to yourself can come in many forms. One of the ways I say yes to myself is by remembering that “My Joy is My Own”.

It is no one’s responsibility to bring me joy and I can not look outside of myself for the things that bring joy to my life. There will be times that you will need a boost in happiness or an activity that grounds and centers you. It’s good to have a list of activities that bring you Joy at your fingertips that you can pull from.

A few examples of what’s in My Joy Toolkit are below, and I would love to hear what’s in yours? 

Norel’s Joy Toolkit (sample)

  • Getting Manis & Pedis and co-creating a design with my nail artist 
  • Learning more about Human Design
  • Having conversations about relationships, and self development
  • Writing in my journal and video journaling

What’s in your “My Joy Toolkit”?

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